Longrange Interactions

651. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

25 Oct - 27 Oct 2017


Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Dr. R. Löw, U Stuttgart • Dr. A. Browayes, IO Paliseau/F • Prof. Francesca Ferlaino, U Innsbruck/A

With this WE-Heraeus-Seminar we want to focus on the physics of longrange interacting systems (Coulomb, electric and magnetic dipole-dipole), strongly interacting systems (Rydberg atoms, unitary quantum gases), light mediated interactions (atoms in cavities) and gravitating systems. After three successful workshops in Stuttgart, Paris and Naples we now want to open the discussion for a broader audience and especially young researchers in this field are invited to join. We will upgrade some of the applicants to a 25 minute talk.