Merging Micro- and Nano-Optics: 3D Printing for Advanced and Functional Optics
634. WE-Heraeus-Seminar
09 Jan - 11 Jan 2017
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Scientific organizers:
Prof. H. Giessen • Prof. A. Herkommer, U Stuttgart
3D printing revolutionalized the manufacturing of complex shapes in the last few years. The sub-micrometer scale is accessible via femtosecond two photon-absorption. This allows to fabricate tiny optical free form surfaces, resulting in cheap high-quality microoptical elements. Such elements are the key for micro- and nano-optics and can find applications in miniaturized cameras, sensors, or endoscopes.
Goal of this seminar is a fruitful exchange between leading researchers in the field of micro- and nano-optics, which leads to novel ideas and applications. Topics of the seminar include, but are not restricted to:
- Fundamental limits of micro- and nano-optical systems
- Advanced fabrication of micro-optical systems
- Combination of micro- and nano-optics
- Plasmonics and metasurfaces in micro-optical systems
- Applications of micro-optical systems in the life-sciences
- Microscale optoelectronics
- Micro-optical elements for beam shaping and lighting
- Active micro- and nano-optics
- Functional micro- and nano-optics
- Improvements in direct laser writing: resolution, speed, accuracy
- Materials and material properties for micro-optics
- Industrial production of micro-optical elements: from the lab to the fab