2D Materials for Photonic Quantum Technologies
716. WE-Heraeus-Seminar
27 May - 28 May 2021
Online Seminar (MeetAnyway)
Scientific organizers:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns, University of Paderborn, Germany • Prof. Dr. Andreas W. Schell, University of Hannover, Germany • Dr. Vincenzo D'Ambrosio, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy
After the discovery of the first 2-dimensional material in 2004, a single layer of carbon called graphene, which led to the Nobel prize in 2010, enormous research efforts have emerged to find new types of atomically flat materials and characterize their unique properties. Due to their strong interaction with light they are expected to have numerous applications in optics and electronics. This is fostered by the possibility to stack different monolayers of van der Waals materials generating artificial heterostructures. Since quantum emitters were found in various 2D materials in recent years there is an increasing interest in their quantum optical properties and 2D materials became a key enabling technology for applications in photonic quantum technologies. Comparedto other solid-state quantum emitters, 2D emitters ́ advantages lie in their deterministic position control, their straight forward integration into complex photonic circuits and devices, and their tailorable electronic band structure. In addition, 2D materials can be used as non-linear optical on-chip elements and to build new types of quantum sensors and detectors. This new research field has just started to explore its endless possibilities. During this workshop we want to bring together the leading researchers of this new field, educating the next generation on this fascinating topic and discuss the future directions of 2D materials for photonic quantum technologies, preparing for the next phase of the European Quantum Technology Flagship.
The conference language will be English.
Although this is a virtual seminar, we will use an online platform that is designed to emulate a “real” scientific conference as closely as possible. It allows not only for plenary sessions but also for poster sessions, and particularly encourages personal interactions during the seminar.