Synergistic Mechanisms in Displacive Phase Transitions: From Charge Density Wave Systems to Engineering Materials
832. WE-Heraeus-Seminar
27 Apr - 30 Apr 2025
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Scientific organizers:
Prof. Gabi Schierning, U Duisburg-Essen • Prof. Andreas Hütten, U Bielefeld • Prof. Kai Rossnagel, U zu Kiel
Non-diffusive structural phase transitions, so-called displacive phase transitions, occur in many classes of materials. When a charge density wave phase or electronic nematic phase forms in a material, it is associated with such a phase transition. However, shape memory alloys and ferroelectric materials also employ such displacive phase transitions. These materials, which have been studied by quite different communities, therefore share many common features that have often not been systematically studied or understood. For example, all these materials show comparable microstructures in the low-temperature phase, and at the phase transition anomalies in transport and phonon spectra. Specifically, common motifs include twinned microstructures, transport anomalies, softening of certain phonons, and frequently also (giant) Kohn anomalies, soft phonons, and/or nesting of the Fermi surface. However, the mechanisms of these phase transitions are discussed differently for different materials. Therefore, the aim of this seminar is to bring together experts from different research disciplines to develop a common understanding of these classes of solid-state phase transitions. In doing so, we want to understand which experimental and theoretical approaches, which can currently be applied only to some of these materials, can be transferred to other classes of materials where they are currently underrepresented, in order to advance both understanding and possible applications.
The seminar is dedicated to a specialized audience and is limited to 80 participants, among them about 15 invited speakers and several contributing speakers, as well as poster presentations. Emphasis will be placed on giving young researchers at the PhD or postdoctoral level the opportunity to participate.
The conference language will be English. The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation bears the cost of full-board accommodation for all participants.