From Soft Matter to Biophysics 2025
French-German WE-Heraeus-Seminar
16 Feb - 21 Feb 2025
École de Physique - Les Houches, France
Scientific organizers:
Prof. Dr. Karen Alim, TUM Munich, Germany • Prof. Dr. Karin Jacobs, U Saarland, Germany • Prof. Dr. Martin Lenz, U Paris-Saclay, France • Dr. Hervé Turlier, CNRS, Paris, France

Soft matter physics has historically contributed significantly to the emergence of the field of biological physics. But today, the two fields do not often have the opportunity to meet. This workshop therefore aims to bring the two communities together to discuss their latest advances and promote increased porosity in their respective methods and interests. The workshop will focus in particular on the hot topics of synthetic biology engineering and functional active materials.

The conference language will be English. The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation bears the cost of full-board accommodation for all participants.