Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

21 Aug - 31 Aug 2024

QCD and Electroweak Phenomenology

WE‐Heraeus and CTEQ Summer School

Hotel Idingshof, Bramsche

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Michael Klasen, U Münster • PD Dr. Karol Kovarik, U Münster • Prof. Dr. Fred Olness, Southern Methodist University, Dallas/USA


02 Sep - 13 Sep 2024

Foundations and New Methods of Theoretical Physics 2024

WE-Heraeus Summer School for Graduate Students

Klosterhof zur Post, Bayrischzell

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Laura Covi, U Göttingen • Prof. Arthur Hebecker, U Heidelberg • Prof. Olaf Lechtenfeld, U Hannover • Prof. Ivo Sachs, LMU München • Prof. Stefan Theisen, AEI Potsdam


15 Sep - 20 Sep 2024

Next Generation Quantum Materials: Correlations and Magnetism Meet Topology

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Niels Schröter, MPI Halle • Dr. Maia Vergniory, MPI Dresden • Prof. Berthold Jäck, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


16 Feb - 21 Feb 2025

Searching for Quantum Gravity in the Sky

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Dr. Christian Pfeifer, ZARM Bremen • Prof. Dr. Giulia Gubitosi, U Napoli/IT • Prof. Dr. Tomislav Terzić, U Rijeka/HR • Prof. Dr. Jose Manuel Carmona, U Zaragoza/ES


11 May - 16 May 2025

Frontiers of Quantum Metrology for New Physics Searches

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Marianna Safronova, U Delaware/USA • Dr. Naceur Gaaloul, U Hannover


13 Jul - 18 Jul 2025

Exciting Nanostructures: Characterizing Advanced Confined Systems

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Christian Klinke, University of Rostock and Swansea University • Prof. Dr. Sandrine Ithurria, ESPCI Paris, France


20 Jul - 25 Jul 2025

A New Era in Exoplanet Atmosphere Observation and Characterisation

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Dr. Kristine Lam, Dr. Nicolas Iro, DLR Berlin • Dr. Petr Kabáth, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague/CZ • Prof. Dr. Artie Hatzes, U Jena und Landessternwarte Tautenburg


10 Aug - 16 Aug 2025

Ultracold Quantum Matter

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Axel Pelster, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau • Prof. Dr. Carlos A. R. Sá de Melo, Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, USA


28 Sep - 03 Oct 2025

Medical Physics for Image-Guided Cancer Therapy

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Katia Parodi, LMU München • Prof. Dr. Franz Pfeiffer, TU München • Prof. Dr. Thomas Bortfeld, MGH Boston, USA


28 Sep - 03 Oct 2025

Novel Phases, Superconductivity and Emergent Electronic Properties of Quantum Materials

Les Houches - WE Heraeus School

Ecole de Physique - Les Houches, France

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Elena Hassinger, TU Dresden • Prof. Dr. Gertrud Zwicknagl, TU Braunschweig • Prof. Dr. Joachim Wosnitza, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf • Dr. Pierre Rodière, U Grenoble-Alpes & CNRS • Dr. Marie-Aude Méasson, Université Grenoble-Alpes & CNRS • Dr. Sebastien Burdin, CNRS et Université de Bordeaux
