Parity Violation in Molecules
29 Mar - 01 Apr 2026
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Scientific organizers:
Prof. Dr. Dmitry Budker, U Mainz ∗ Dr. Konstantin Gaul, U Mainz ∗ Ass. Prof. Dr. Yuval Shagam, Technion, Haifa/ISR
Fundamental symmetry breaking is important to understanding the formation of our
universe including baryogenesis and the homochirality of living organisms. It plays an
important role in finding a more complete theory than the Standard Model of particle
physics. In recent years, molecules have become a leading platform to search for such
symmetry breakings through precision metrology as they exhibit enhanced sensitivity
and in particular, their many degrees of freedom can be leveraged to isolate violations of fundamental symmetries from the background. However, in recent years, the molecular precision spectroscopy community has become focused on simultaneous parity and time reversal symmetry violation, overlooking the equal importance of time-reversal symmetry even, parity violating effects. For example, despite its prediction in the 1960s, the parity violating energy difference between mirror-images of chiral molecules is yet to be observed, which is crucial for our understanding of molecular chirality. Only recently several individual works rediscovered the unique opportunities of molecular parity violation, indicating even its undiscovered potential in revealing new physics. Moreover, recent advancements in molecular quantum control and molecular theory may bring the detection of molecular parity violation now in reach for the first time.
This workshop will use the momentum of these recent advances to refocus the
attention on molecular parity violation experiments and foster collaboration in the field.
The conference language will be English. The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation bears the cost of full-board accommodation for all participants.