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TimeSpeaker Talk
 09:00Matthias Steinmetz, AIP PotsdamWelcome and Introduction
 Stefan Jorda, WE-Heraeus-StiftungWelcome Address



Chair: Joachim Wambsganß

Jeyhan Kartaltepe, Rochester Institute of Technology


What has JWST Taught us About Galaxy Structure in the Early Universe?

 09:45Eva Schinnerer, Max Planck Institute for AstronomyUncovering Cloud and Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies with JWST
 10:15Linda Tacconi, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial PhysicsA (Sub)mm View of Galaxy Formation and Evolution



Chair: Cristina Chiappini

Reinhard Genzel, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics


The Formation and Early Evolution of Galaxies and their Central Black Holes (ONLINE)

 11:45Lutz Wisotzki, AIP PotsdamMapping the Gas around Galaxies with MUSE and HETDEX
 12:15Debora Sijacki, U CambridgeUnveiling the Emergence of First Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes with Cosmological Simulations in the JWST Era



Chair: Achim Stahl

Melanie Habouzit, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy


Massive Black Holes across Cosmic Time: What Will We Learn from JWST and Other Next-generation Facilities

 14:30Alberto Sesana, U MilanGravitational Wave Astronomy – Studying Supermassive Black Holes with LISA
 15:00Jason Rhodes, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASASurveying the IR Cosmos with ESA’s Euclid
 15:30Phil Diamond, DG Square Kilometre ArrayThe Impact of the Square Kilometre Array on the Study of the Emergence of Galaxies in our Universe



Chair: Tanya Urrutia

Lidia Tasca, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille


MOSAIC: The Multi-object Spectrograph for the ESO Extremely Large Telescope

 17:00Roland Bacon, CRALWST - The Wide Field Spectroscopic Telescope
 17:30Michael Kramer, Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy

JWST in the German Astronomy Landscape

 18:00Günther Hasinger, ESAPaving the Way to a New Center for Astrophysics in Lusatia (DZA)