Vergangene Veranstaltungen

14 Jul - 19 Jul 2024

Integrable Techniques in Theoretical Physics

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Sascha Gehrmann, U Hannover • Friedrich Hübner, King’s College London • Anastasiia Tiutiakina, CY Cergy Paris Université


16 May - 25 May 2024

Phase Transitions: from the Laboratory to the Cosmos

WE-Heraeus Physics School and 60th Karpacz Winter School on Theoretical Physics

Wroclaw & Karpacz, Poland

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. David Blaschke, U Wroclaw and HZDR/CASUS Görlitz • Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Redlich, Dr. Oleksii Ivanytskyi, U Wroclaw


08 Apr - 19 Apr 2024

Frontiers at the Intersection of Quantum Simulation and Machine Learning

Joint ICTP-WE Heraeus School and Conference

ICTP Triest

Scientific organizers:

Christof Weitenberg, University of Hamburg • Estelle Inack, Perimeter Institute • Markus Schmitt, FZ Jülich • Markus Heyl, University of Augsburg • Tiago Mendes Santos, University of Augsburg • Local Organiser: Ralph Gebauer, ICTP


17 Mar - 22 Mar 2024

Color Meets Flavor

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Johannes Albrecht, TU Dortmund • Prof. Dr. Florian Bernlochner, U Bonn • Prof. Dr. Alexander Lenz, U Siegen


03 Feb - 08 Feb 2024

Frontiers of Quantum Mechanics

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Markus Arndt, U Wien • Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl, U Bremen


10 Sep - 15 Sep 2023

Physics of Viruses

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Sarah Köster, U Göttingen • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwarz, U Heidelberg


04 Sep - 15 Sep 2023

Foundations and New Methods of Theoretical Physics 2023

WE-Heraeus Summer School for Graduate Students

Klosterhof zur Post, Bayrischzell

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Laura Covi, U Göttingen • Prof. Arthur Hebecker, U Heidelberg • Prof. Olaf Lechtenfeld, U Hannover • Prof. Ivo Sachs, LMU München • Prof. Stefan Theisen, AEI Potsdam


06 Aug - 12 Aug 2023

Ultracold Atoms and Molecules

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Axel Pelster, TU Kaiserslautern • Prof. Dr. Carlos A. R. Sá de Melo, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA


30 Jul - 04 Aug 2023

Exciting Nanostructures: Characterizing Advanced Confined Systems

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Christian Klinke, U Rostock and Swansea University • Prof. Nikolai Gaponik, TU Dresden


09 Jul - 21 Jul 2023

Methods of Effective Field Theory and Lattice Field Theory

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Alexei Bazavov, Michigan State University •  Prof. Nora Brambilla, Dr. Viljami Leino, Technical University of Munich •  Prof. Johannes H. Weber, Michigan State University
