Outstanding Challenges in Nonlinear Dynamics
French-German WE-Heraeus-Seminar
20 Mar - 25 Mar 2022
École de Physique - Les Houches, France
Scientific organizers:
Prof. Dr. Theo Geisel, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen, Germany • Prof. Dr. Hugues Chaté, CNRS-CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Nonlinear dynamics has reached considerable breadth and diversification in recent years. Physicists are applying it in fields as diverse as fluid dynamics, climate and weather forecast, neuroscience, socioeconomic systems, and many more. On the one hand we have witnessed amazing progress in many of these fields, as seen, e.g., in the intriguing level of detail with which cardiac dynamics is now studied and modeled. On the other hand, this diversification in applications is somewhat masking the fact that we are presently facing substantial but similar challenges in different fields. An outstanding example is the collective dynamics of and on networks, which plays a role in many disciplines and for which the many body techniques developed for interacting particles are usually of little help, cf. e.g. the spiking dynamics of interacting neurons. This workshop will bring together researchers on nonlinear dynamics working in diverse fields and will focus on common topical challenges that are showing up in various applications. The conference language will be English. The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation bears the cost of full-board accommodation for all participants.
On the initiative of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation, the German Physical Society (DPG) together with the Foundation is pursuing the “Binational Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminars”. Building on the long tradition of close collaborations of the scientific communities in the United Kingdom, France, Poland, and Germany, these Seminars aim to foster the exchange and scientific cooperation between research groups in these countries on a bi-national level as a means to promote the European spirit. The seminars reflect also a long tradition of prestigious bi-national awards, namely the Max-Born-Award (Institute of Physics & DPG), the Gentner-Kastler-Award (Société Française de Physique & DPG), and the Marian Smoluchowski - Emil Warburg Physics Prize (Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne & DPG). In recognition of this notable tradition, the recent prize winners are invited to (co)organize one of the seminars.