Exploring the Limits of Nanoscience with Scanning Probe Methods

704. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

27 Oct - 31 Oct 2019


Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Dr. Dimas G. De Oteyza, DIPC • Dr. Thomas Frederiksen, DIPC • Dr. Guillaume Schull, CNRS

For nearly forty years the scanning probe methods (SPM) are the dedicated tools to characterize surfaces with atomic-scale accuracy. Besides their intrinsic ability to image matter at the lowest-scale level, scanning probes have been improved and combined with other spectroscopic approaches to provide sensitivity to various types of signals. Nowadays, magnetisms, mechanical and electrostatic forces, optics or time-resolved spectroscopies can be probed down to individual atoms or molecules, and the field of possibilities only seems to grow year after year. Along these experimental developments sophisticated theoretical methodologies have been developed to describe and predict the rich physics encountered in the field of SPM.

The purpose of this workshop is (i) to provide a didactic overview of this very active field of nanoscience, (ii) to expose technological breakthroughs as well as (iii) to provide an ideal opportunity to discuss the most recent scientific discoveries in the field. To this end, we would like to gather around 25 of the most important scientists in the european and extra-european community. In parallel, poster sessions will provide an opportunity for doctoral students and young postdocs to present their work and to get in contact with the leading young or more established researchers of the SPM community.

The conference language will be English. The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation bears the cost of full-board accommodation for all participants.