Vergangene Veranstaltungen

11 Jun - 17 Jun 2017

Advanced microscopy – physical concepts and impacts in life sciences

Bad Honnef Physics School

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Joerg Bewersdorf, Yale University • Christian Eggeling, Oxford University 


29 May - 31 May 2017

Bio-inspired, Nano- and Microstructured Surfaces: New Functionality by Material and Structure

644. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

PD Dr. H. Hölscher, KIT Karlsruhe • Prof. J. Bill, U Stuttgart • Prof. M. Knez, CIC Sans Sebastian/ESP


22 May - 24 May 2017

Arbeitsgruppe Elektronenmikroskopie


Hotel Margaretenhof - Gohrisch

Scientific organizers:

Prof. M. Lehmann, TU Berlin


22 May - 24 May 2017

Impact of 3D Magnetic Fields on Hot Plasmas

643. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Y. Liang, FZ Jülich • Prof. T. Sunn Pedersen, MPP Greifswald • Prof. O. Schmitz, U Wisconsin/USA • Prof. Sibylle Günter, MPP Garching


15 May - 19 May 2017

Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Physics: Theory and Experiment

642. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. G. Wunner, U Stuttgart • Dr. Eva-Maria Graefe, Imperial College London/UK


24 Apr - 28 Apr 2017

Do Black Holes exist? - The Physics and Philosophy of Black Holes

641. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. C. Lämmerzahl, Prof. M. Stöckler, U Bremen • PD Dr. Silke Britzen, MPIfR Bonn


10 Apr - 13 Apr 2017

Non-Markovianity and Strong Coupling Effects in Thermodynamics

640. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Dr. G. Schaller, Dr. J. Cerrillo, Dr. P. Strasberg, TU Berlin


03 Apr - 05 Apr 2017

Aerosols-clouds-precipitation and Climate: Towards a Flux-closure Field Campaign

639. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. J. Quaas, U Leipzig


27 Mar - 31 Mar 2017

Aerosols, Climate and Health

638. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. J. Curtius, U Frankfurt/Main • Prof. T. Koop, U Bielefeld • Prof. U. Pöschl, MPIC Mainz


27 Mar - 31 Mar 2017

Calcit – ein omni-präsentes Mineral mit weitreichender Bedeutung in Natur und Technik


Jugendherberge Bacharach

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Angelika Kühnle, U Mainz
